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10. X Window

X Window desktop

In the current version of UltraPenguin, we run Xconfigurator at install time if X Window is about to be installed. The included version of Xconfigurator should autodetect all your SBUS and PCI based framebuffers, but as at the moment only XFree86-SunMono, XFree86-Sun, XFree86-Sun24 Xservers are packaged, your PCI Xserver won't get installed. Final UltraPenguin 1.1 should include all SBUS and all PCI Xservers.

To enhance security, UltraPenguin comes with the xserver-wrapper package and all Xservers are installed without the SetUID bit. Symbolic link in /etc/X11/X points to the Xserver which should be used (installation program sets this link initially according to the probed framebuffers).

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