Science Fair, Senior Division, Page Seven

Each cartoon is a 640x480 pixel, greyscale GIF.

Previous Page, Doctor Fun's Double Whammy, Doctor Fun Page

"IQ deterioration as a result of cheerleading"

"The flatulance: the baked bean connection"

"The effects of foreign language records on parakeets"

"Spontaneous gerbil combustion"

"Pogo stilts: the transportation alternative"

"A study in scientific-looking graphs"

"Nerdism: the computer connection"

"Do people refrain from going to the bathroom when they think they're being watched?"

"Crisping behavior in fetal chickens"

"Build a better shark cage"

"Gorgo - the fully-armed robot hall monitor"

"The effect of masturbation on acne"

"Can a common houseplant complete a graduate degree in today's state university system?"

"A cure for world hunger"

Top of Page, Previous Page, Doctor Fun's Double Whammy, Doctor Fun Page

These pages maintained, and contents copyrighted, by David Farley,