Date: Sun, 7 Aug 94 18:43:00 -0500 From: Louis Allen Subject: NewWorld.JPG [0/4] This is the 2nd piece of my artwork distributed by the Picture Mailing List, maintained by Marina Mermaid... Like "Rajah & Jasmine" this drawing, entitled "New World" is taken from the soundtrack's cover where Jasmine and Aladdin are riding upon Carpet, with the Genie looking out over the clouds. This picture was sent to answer some of the requests for Jasmine pictures. I hope you all like it. Picture Format Information: Resolution: 640x400x24 bit File Form : JPEG Compression at 36% File Size : 57762 Jasmine, Aladdin & Genie are from the movie Aladdin, the Walt Disney Company's 31st Animated Feature. This picture was done on an Amiga 500 w/68030 and the DCTV Composite Video System... Send mail, flames, greetings, etc. to Louis Allen at