Newsgroups:,,alt.toon-pics From: Marina.mermaid@Colorado.EDU (Neil Collins) Subject: bedtime.gif - "A Bedtime Story" Disney's Ariel (by Dolph) Organization: Mermaids R Us Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 09:09:09 GMT This picture is by Dolph. bedtime.gif "A Bedtime Story" 320x200x16, 17437 bytes, checksum = 58053 : Ariel looks for a bedtime story for Flounder in the palace library. A note from Dolph : One sees a great deal through a window when one has one's beak pressed up against the grate. I was on my way back to the surface when I noticed a light on in the palace library and saw the depicted scene. They had settled on "Beauty and the Beast," for Flounder's bedtime story (Fish DO sleep, be it noted), since nobody really liked "Aladdin" all that much, and, try as they might, no one could find "The Lion King" among the _Classic Fairy Tales_ collections. As THAT film has not yet played the sea floor, I personally can make no comparisions. Ariel's literacy has been a subject of needless debate. The scrolls are written on shagreen (look it up!) with an acid-based ink, while the codeces (ditto) are made of VERY thin metal, similarly humble servant would ever dream of telling Belle (especially as portrayed in Mr. Ito's very best picture of her) to EAT HER HEART OUT, as we are all quite fond of her and would never mention that Ariel's libraries in the palace and the grotto were several times bigger than even the Beast's... Dolph creates these on his Atari Mega 4 STE which currently has a maximum resolution of 320x200 (horz x vert). There is a maximum of 16 colors which are chosen from a color palette of 4096 colors (with 16 values for each RGB component).